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A Fourfold Salvation

The subject of God’s “so-great-salvation” (Heb 2:3), as it is revealed to us in the Scriptures and made known in Christian experience, is worthy of a life’s study. Anyone who supposes that there is now no longer any need for him to prayerfully search for a fuller understanding of the same needs to ponder: “If any man think he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know” (1Co 8:2)...
The subject of God’s “so-great-salvation” (Heb 2:3), as it is revealed to us in the Scriptures and made known in Christian experience, is worthy of a life’s study. Anyone who supposes that there is now no longer any need for him to prayerfully search for a fuller understanding of the same needs to ponder: “If any man think he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know” (1Co 8:2). The fact is that the moment any of us really takes it for granted that he already knows all that there is to be known on any subject treated of in Holy Writ, he at once cuts himself off from any further light thereon. That which is most needed by all of us in order to a better understanding of divine things is not a brilliant intellect, but a truly humble heart and a teachable spirit, and for that we would daily and fervently pray, for we possess it not by nature.
Arthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England. He took permanent residence in Lewis, Scotland, in 1940, remaining there 12 years until his death at age 66 in 1952.

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