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Exgesis on Ezra 7:1-10

Ezra 7:1-10 is an introduction to the Ezra narrative based on Ezra’s own autobiographical memoir. The narrative consists chiefly of the priest’s genealogy and office and the dates of his departure from Babylon and arrival at Jerusalem. Ezra is commissioned person by God and now returned to Jerusalem to fulfill God’s mission. He was not only skilled in the Law of Moses but also he had a passion..
Ezra 7:1-10 is an introduction to the Ezra narrative based on Ezra’s own autobiographical memoir. The narrative consists chiefly of the priest’s genealogy and office and the dates of his departure from Babylon and arrival at Jerusalem.
Ezra is commissioned person by God and now returned to Jerusalem to fulfill God’s mission. He was not only skilled in the Law of Moses but also he had a passion to practice it. The study to follow will examine this commissioner’s story and will assess what meaning it might have had for ancient Israel and what significance it holds for Christian today.
Deuknam Yoon
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, M.Div & Th.M
Piedmont International University, Ph.D Course

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