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Textual Criticism on Luke 11:1-36

The primary purpose of New Testament (hereafter NT) textual criticism is to restore the original text of the NT. It is necessary because none of the autographs are present and the copies at thousands of places. Fundamental is the methodology engaged to find out the original reading. In the past, many different methods have been employed. Today there are some major methods in NT textual criticism...
The primary purpose of New Testament (hereafter NT) textual criticism is to restore the original text of the NT. It is necessary because none of the autographs are present and the copies at thousands of places. Fundamental is the methodology engaged to find out the original reading. In the past, many different methods have been employed. Today there are some major methods in NT textual criticism. It is the purpose of this paper to survey those methods and apply the favored method and finding the closest text to the original of Luke 11:1-36.
Deuknam Yoon
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, M.Div & Th.M
Piedmont International University, Ph.D Course

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