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Puss in Boots

There was a miller who left no more estate to the three sons he had than his mill, his ass, and his cat. The partition was soon made. Neither scrivener nor attorney was sent for. They would soon have eaten up all the poor patrimony. The eldest had the mill, the second the ass, and the youngest nothing but the cat. The poor young fellow was quite comfortless at having so poor a lot. "My brother..
There was a miller who left no more estate to the three sons he had than his mill, his ass, and his cat. The partition was soon made. Neither scrivener nor attorney was sent for. They would soon have eaten up all the poor patrimony. The eldest had the mill, the second the ass, and the youngest nothing but the cat. The poor young fellow was quite comfortless at having so poor a lot.

"My brothers," said he, "may get their living handsomely enough by joining their stocks together; but for my part, when I have eaten up my cat, and made me a muff of his skin, I must die of hunger."

The Cat, who heard all this, but made as if he did not, said to him with a grave and serious air:
샤를 페로(프랑스어: Charles Perrault, 1628년 1월 12일 ~ 1703년 5월 16일)는 동화라는 새로운 문학 장르의 기초를 다진 프랑스 작가이다. 그의 작품에는 빨간 두건과 잠자는 숲 속의 공주, 장화 신은 고양이, 신데렐라, 푸른 수염, 엄지 공주, 다이아몬드와 두꺼비들, 당나귀 가죽, 어리석은 세가지 소원등이 있다. 페로가 쓴 유명한 이야기들은 오늘날까지 여전히 출판되고 있으며, 오페라와 발레(예. 차이콥스키의 잠자는 숲 속의 공주), 희곡, 뮤지컬, 영화(월트 디즈니의 유명한 애니메이션 영화인 신데렐라와 잠자는 숲속의 공주)로도 만들어졌다. 그 밖에 《루이 14세의 세기》 등의 저서가 있다.

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